The Mission Viejo
Soccer Club |
Girls Under 11 Team |
Welcome to MVSC
Girls Under 11
Web Page
If you are looking for the MVSC Elite U12 Page, (Pssst...This is a secret. This
link goes directly to the new site. Nobody knows this address yet but you. The site will be published in the near
future, but right now it's still under construction. Take a peek, but don't tell anyone.)
Try "Girls" on the navigation bar and "Teams" on the top, and choose the "Twelves"
1998 State Cup Champions
This page is privately published in tribute to these extraordinary young ladies and
their ongoing winning season.
"It may be un-official, but it's up".
News Flash!!:
Drop the Champs a line! Just in case you want to connect with anyone
State Cup Champs!...State
Cup Record!
MVSC Elite GU-11 are CYSA-S State Cup Champions This
has been a season that makes you believe, with the right coaching, the right chemistry, a lot of work, and a little
help from on high, you can do anything you set your mind to.
Congratulations girls, you really are the best! The
Best!! Like..Theee Best... Ya' know?... THE BEST
Parents are now ordered to settle down, relax and try to recover from an acute case of adrenaline toxicity!
Photo Album:
We'd like to get your best photos this year into our on-line scrap
book. If you got 'em...gimme...
When loading these pictures, BE PATIENT. Allow all the pictures on a page to load completely
before viewing any of them. I have left the picture size quite large so you can see them well.)
Try out our new MVSC Club Page
How to Order:
Just link up to any page above! The results are in and this
team turned in the best effort anyone could imagine. Browse to your heart's content.
(Write us Back)
Page Creation and Design by DMG (Donald, Mickey & Goofy)
This page's been clobbered times. (I think this counter stutters.)
If it didn't look good, maybe you should get Netscape here. It will take an hour to
download, but it's free!