Other Projects
Economic Revitalization Strategy -- City of Los Angeles
Client: Central City Association
Driven by changes in the surrounding trade area demographics, merchants in downtown Los Angels undertook an effort
to assess the potential for downtown and identify the amenities which improve the downtown as a shopping and visitation
location. DMG provided the survey research among visitors to downtown (intercept) and the residents in the surrounding
trade areas for both day-time and residential populations (telephone). The result of this study has been the identification
of messages, programs and populations which will enhance the activity level and retail sales of downtown Los Angeles.
Economic Revitalization Strategy -- City of San Fernando
Client: The City of San Fernando
Utilizing a Federal Grant, this largely Hispanic city developed a revitalization strategy utilizing the Specific
Plan process to create additional activity downtown. The revitalization of the downtown area reinforced the Hispanic
"El Centro" which had developed historically and provided additional reasons for others to patronize
downtown with increased entertainment and shopping opportunities. Endorsed by a citizens advisory committee, this
project withstood a high level of public scrutiny during its development and won consensus from all groups involved.
Economic Revitalization Strategy -- Firestone Boulevard Corridor, City of Downey
Client: City of Downey
The focus of this strategy report was the inventory and analysis of the Firestone Boulevard corridor through the
City. Recommendations included the identification of market strengths for the City, pairing these strengths to
specific parcels which served as starting points for continued private investment along the corridor.
Office and Industrial Employee Jobs and Housing Survey -- Irvine
Client: The Irvine Company
This study reviewed existing economic projections developed by the Southern California Association of Governments
(SCAG), the Orange County Forecast and Analysis Center, The City of Irvine and the California Employment Development
Department. This review was used to provide the bases of assumptions for economic growth currently in place in
the planning literature for the County. The study design targeted employees in Irvine in order to develop income
sensitive planning guidelines as well as current commutation patterns among Irvine Employees. The objective was
to illustrate the current assumptions of the relationship between jobs and housing in the existing projections.
George Air Force Base Closure Economic Impact Analysis -- San Bernardino County, California
Client: Victor Valley Economic Development Agency (VVEDA)
Closure of George Air Force base in the upper San Bernardino desert caused major socio-economic disruption
among the surrounding communities of Victorville, Adelanto and Apple Valley. In an effort to create some positive
economic activity, VVEDA established a redevelopment project area for which VVEDA and the County of San Bernardino
would be the lead agencies. This assignment answered several issues for the client. Measurement of socii-economic
blight was a major requirement for establishment of a redevelopment project. Assessment of historical economic
growth and projection of future growth and its likely effect on land value was instrumental in the tax increment
and financing analysis. In order to provide this analysis, the consultant developed an understanding of, and quantified,
the economic relationships between the base and the surrounding region.
Alexandria Air Force Base Reconversion Analysis -- Louisiana
Client: FR Harris/GCR Engineers/Planners
This assignment called for the testing of several configurations of inter modal air freight and passenger
handling for various alternatives set forth for this Air Force base. Located in rural Louisiana, the task at hand
was the establishment of minimum operational parameters for the air cargo portion of this facility. The purpose
of the analysis was to ascertain the threshold of cargo tonnage required to maintain a profitable operation based
on both operational costs and potential revenues for this portion of the project. Rather than a simple testing
of alternatives, this analysis established the requisite cargo activity to maintain a profitable cargo operation,
separate from other airport operations.
Auto Center Trade Area and Demographics Assessment -- Rancho Santa Margarita
Client: The Wolff Companies/Santa Margarita Company
As part of the marketing effort for the auto center within this Orange County planned community, the consultant
provided quantitative proof of the trading area, gathered demographic data related to this area and critiqued proposals
received from potential tenants as to their reliability.