Commercial Office, Retail and Industrial Projects
Entertainment Center Studies -- Irvine, Anaheim, San Fernando, San Antonio, Denver and Washington DC.
Client Company: GSA
These studies entail the projection of demand for entertainment anchored retail centers. Developing an in depth
understanding of the motivation to visit is a major portion of the analysis into these centers. An increasingly
competitive market, the entertainment center answers needs among consumers for a broad array of entertainment options.
Feasibility Study for Commercial Development -- Marblehead San Clemente
Client Company: SDC Shopping Centers
This feasibility study focused on the projection of retail potentials for a highly prized parcel in this ocean
side community. In addition to the quantification of retail development potential, this study included the protracted
support of the development team during a long entitlement process. Multiple meetings and presentations to staff,
officials and the public were involved in seeking the entitlement for this project.
Feasibility Study for Commercial Development -- Talega Ranch San Clemente
Client Company: Talega Associates
Planning the 5,000 acre Talega Ranch included the projection of bothe retail and industrial development potentials,
as well as the fiscal assessment of several developmnent plan scenarios. Presentations to the City staff and discussions
regarding land use alternatives with City officials were also part of the scope of this project.
Feasibility Study and Program Analysis for an Off Price Retail Center -- City of Corona
Client Company: BCE Development
The analysis for this project included several development elements. The retail development was positioned toward
a price sensitive market in western Riverside County. The nature of discount retail development creates a very
competitive situation for existing retailers. Hence, the thrust of this study included an analysis of the inflow/outflow
dynamics of the City of Corona in order to estimate the affect on existing retailers. The study included developing
the rationale for repositioning the center from a regional mall to a mass merchandise or "Power" center.
The recommendations led to the City's adoption of both a Specific Plan and General Plan revision and provided the
basis for the associated policy decisions.
Tourist Destination Feasibility Study -- Colorado River Basin
Client Company: The Norton Company
The Norton Company of Phoenix, Arizona was interested in assessing the development potentials for a project keyed
toward attracting both the summer time and winter time visitors to the Colorado River. Consumer research was conducted
by the Disston among both summer (River-Rat) and Winter (Snow-Bird) visitors in order to assess their visitation
patterns, attitudes, future plans and current activities at the Colorado River. The result of the study was a prioritization
of activities important to attracting both market segments and assessing the resort and residential sales potentials
for each market.
Lake Elsinore Industrial Market Analysis
Client Company: Mola Development
This classic development feasibility analysis included research of historical development and absorption trends,
economic analysis and projection of future conditions, as well as recommendations of competitive positioning for
the product and final project design. The challenging aspect of the study was inherent in all secondary markets
which are subject to competitive pressure from intervening opportunities. The estimation of impact these exogenous
markets have as well as the development a strategies to overcome the precarious nature of this market required
powerful and creative analysis.
Eagle Valley Commercial Development Potentials -- City of Corona
Client Company: Eagle Valley Development
An insular site, this newly developed area east of the existing City of Corona was analyzed for both commercial
and residential programming. With project mix designed through assessment of market needs, this project requires
accurate balance between residential and commercial land use because the remote nature of the site does not allow
market inflow to support the commercial portion of the development. The site required commercial development from
the fiscal perspective which ultimately balanced not only the subject, but also an occupied annexation adjacent
to the project.
Ocean Ranch Office and Medical Office Feasibility Analysis and Project Program -- Laguna Niguel
Client Company: Shea Business Properties
Facing challenging competitive pressure in southern Orange County, this medical and general office project was
scaled and programmed through the market research provided in support of the development. Part of a mixed use development,
the entitlement for the site exceeded the market support which led to a redesign in favor of a more incremental
design. This study epitomized the classic use of defensive market analysis which allows paper changes to a project
before the mistakes are committed to bricks and mortar.