Policy And Attitude Assessment For The Public Sector
City of Santa Clarita, Old Town Newhall Revitalization Study
Client: City of Santa Clarita, Redevelopment Department
The rehabilitation and redevelopment of this historical downtown required a market driven strategy due to the recent
establishment of the Agency and the small size of the project area. This project included inventorying competitive
retail throughout the Santa Clarita Valley as well as the study area, conducting public workshops, analyzing secondary
fiscal and sales tax data, projection demand, developing multiple scenarios for an advisory committee to assess
and critiquing special district development standards and design guidelines relative to there impact on the project.
City of San Fernando Central Core Revitalization Study
Client: City of San Fernando
The City recieved a Federal EDA grant to develop an economic revitalization plan. DMG was retained as the economist
and market analyst to create a strategy and marketing plan intended to identify appropriate retail and other businesses
which would be beneficial and successful for the City. DMG provided retail supply/demand analysis, merchant and
business surveys, and analyzed redevelopment project area status to ascertain the best approach to maximize tax
and subvention cash flow for the City.
Eastvale Community Plan Revision Economic and Fiscal Study
Client: Riverside County
This analysis was required by the County to evaluate a community master plan being prepared by Cotton Beland. Working
closely with the planning firm, an analysis was prepared projecting demand for residential, commercial and industrial
land uses. These markets were analyzed and the results formatted to form an input to the County's fiscal model.
Staff changes at the County required DMG to develop the fiscal modeling runs using the County's system. The revised
plan was adopted.
Attitudinal Survey of Transportation Issues Among Orange County Residents - OCTC
Client: Orange County Transportation Commission
Attitudes and opinions regarding traffic problems and potential solutions were solicited from 400 Orange County
residents in a telephone survey conducted on behalf of the Orange County Transportation Commission. Issues covered
included prioritization of public funding, traffic demand management techniques, and utilization patterns. Findings
from the survey results were analyzed and presented to public forums in four regions of the County.
Consumer Research and Market Analysis In Support Of Preparation Of First Street Specific Plan -- Tustin
Client: City of Tustin/Planning Department
A total of 400 completed intercept questionnaires were collected among consumers of two Tustin retail centers.
The study was designed to assess shopping patterns, satisfaction levels, product consumption patterns and traffic
behavior among shoppers at the centers. General demographic profile information was also compiled. The study was
prepared for the City of Tustin.
City of San Bernardino Parks and Recreation Master Plan
Client: City of San Bernardino
Disston as part of a team headed by Planning and Design Solutions completed a comprehensive Parks, Recreation and
Open Space Master Plan for the City. The foundation of the Plan includes a thorough assessment of residents usage
patterns, needs and desires utilizing survey research and public workshop methods.
Consumer Research and Market Analysis In Support Of Beach Boulevard Entertainment Corridor Specific Plan
- Buena Park
Client: City of Buena Park/Planning Department
This technical appendix summary support document included the analysis of market potentials in support of the specific
plan recommendations. As part of this research effort for the City of Buena Park, two surveys and market analyses
of hotel and retail market potentials were undertaken. The survey research included a mailed survey of business
and property owners, as well as a telephone survey of local and state associations to assess their attitudes toward
and likelihood of considering the entertainment corridor as a meeting location. The recommendations from this analysis
formed the basis for the scale and land use recommendations in the corridor.
Airport Site Coalition Site Selection Study -- County of Orange
Client:The Planning Center
Appointed by the Board of Supervisors, this coalition of communities and special interest groups was charged with
the responsibility of recommending potential sites for a new airport in Orange County. The mryiad issues facing
the coalition of more than 250 people caused the group to become hopelessly mired in fractional politcs and derisive
tactics. Disston was hired to help the group develop a decision-making matrix and a process whereby the coalition
could decide what was important, prioritize both technical and qualitative isues and move on to a decision. The
approach used by the consultant was supported by the entire group and allowed the impass to be alieviated and recommendations